They're free, but use at your own risk
The scripts referenced here are used in the operation of this weather station, and may be freely copied and used to support your station. Please note that you use these scripts at your own risk. No warranty is expressed or implied. I accept no liability for any damages that may ensue from their use.
You will need to configure them for your own particular weather station website.
A RSS Feed is available to help keep you informed on updates to the scripts.
Many of these scripts are now available on GitHub at
A Version History is available -- check back from time to time to see if there are updates to scripts you have downloaded earlier.
Announcements of version updates and new scripts are made on and
Weather-Watch forums
and saratogaWXPHP Twitter account as they become available.
Note: Twitter widget has been disabled 3-Jul-2023 since it no longer displays the recent update Tweets.
This page was updated
Saturday, 01-Feb-2025 8:02 AM
PHP/AJAX Website Template Sets
This template set is based on the original HTML-only Carterlake WD templates with the addition of AJAX real-time updates and a full-PHP modular website design incorporating the TNETweather modular site design. The templates use a modified weather-screen.css to implement a fixed-width (800px) website or full-width design with built-in color/width style changer. Using PHP allows this template to require only one file to be uploaded through your weather software for symbolic substitution for weather conditions. The AJAX JavaScript reads a separate, frequently uploaded, conditions file produced by your weather software to dynamically update selected parts of the HTML on the pages to reflect really current conditions at your location.
The templates are grouped into three basic versions based on geographic location, and include the support scripts needed for that geography:
- USA-template (for USA, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands)
- Canada-Multingual template English/French (for Canada)
- World-Multilingual template (for non-USA, non-Canada)
Plugins are available for weather station software:
- Network (requires userid on AND DeviceID AND apiKey)
- Cumulus 1 or CumulusMX
- Meteobridge
- *** Meteohub
- Virtual Weather Station
- Weather-Display
- *** WeatherCat (Version V0.95, Build 152 or later) (Successor product to Lightsoft Weather Center (LWC))
- WeatherLink
- (requires a userid/password on AND DeviceID, Key for station)
- *** WeatherSnoop (Version 2.1.1 or later)
- WeeWX (Version 4.5.0 or later)
- wview
- WxSolution
Note: *** Plugin is no longer maintained since the testing environment for it is no longer functional. It may not work correctly with updates to the weather software. Use at your own risk.
A complete template consists of a Base (determined by your geographical location) and a Plugin for your specific weather software.
Main features of the template set:
- Modular structure for display pages on website with primary areas (top, header, sidebar, footer) controlled by included parts so global changes can be easily made to one file and shown on all pages in the site.
- A 4-level CSS-based flyout-menu system controlled by specification in one XML file.
- Built-in theme switcher allowing optional viewer control over website color scheme and wide/narrow aspect (with user preferences remembered by browser cookie)
- Built-in multilingual translation capability for single-phrase lookup (English to target language) and entire-page fixed content translation.
- Integrated support scripts for forecasts, alerts, and earthquake information appropriate to the geography selected.
- Built-in optional debugging displays for remote site support.
- Validated XHTML 1.0-Transitional HTML and CSS 2.1
Base Templates (images shown with VWS-plugin active) |
USA languages included:
(but may add language plugins)
Canada languages included:
English, Français,
World languages included:
English, Afrikaans, български език, Català, Dansk, Nederlands, Suomi, Français, Deutsch, Ελληνικά, Italiano,
עִבְרִית. Norsk, Polski, Português,
limba română, Español, Svenska, Slovenščina
Additional live sample (Base-USA) sites with other weather software plugins:
CumulusMX |
Meteobridge |
WeeWX | |
Please follow the links below for information, download and installation/configuration guidance.
Version history (latest 20 updates)
- Version 3.424 - 14-Dec-2024 (Base-*) update sunposa.php V3.70 to use new method to vingnette the sun image as round and save as transparent GIF instead of PNG
- Version 3.423 - 28-Oct-2024 (Base-Canada) update ec-forecast.php V6.02 to fix alert display when there are highway alerts
- Version 3.422 - 26-Oct-2024 (Base-Canada) update ec-forecast.php V6.01 to fix hourly forecast icon display when using .png images for ec-icons
- Version 3.421 - 26-Oct-2024 (Base-Canada) update ec-forecast.php V6.00 with a rewrite to use new EC JSON data instead of XML citypage data
- Version 3.420 - 15-Oct-2024 (Base-USA) update nws-alerts.php V2.03 to correct alert displays based on alert types
- Version 3.419 - 01-Oct-2024 (Base-USA) update nws-alerts.php V2.02 for alert names available from NWS on 01-Oct-2024 (
- Version 3.418 - 25-Sep-2024 (Base-*) update sunposa-lang.php V1.03 Norwegian translation thanks to Svein Ove of
- Version 3.417 - 16-Sep-2024 (Base-*) update sunposa-lang.php V1.02 English translation, get-USNO-sunmoon.php V4.00 to enable use of new USNO API and fix Deprecated errata.
- Version 3.416 - 12-Sep-2024 (Base-*) update wxastronomy.php V1.06 to fix Notice errata when no $SITE['graphImageDir'] setting exists
- Version 3.415 - 11-Sep-2024 (Base-*) update sunposa.php/sunposa-lang.php V3.06, ./moonimg/ and wxastronomy.php V1.04 for Southern Hemisphere support, additional debugging info, and NASA moon images
- Version 3.414 - 28-Aug-2024 (Base-*) add sunposa.php/sunposa-lang.php + JPGraph 4.4.2 source to display multilingual sun-moon graph on wxastronomy.php page.
- Version 3.413 - 08-Jul-2024 (Base-USA) update radar-status.php V1.21 to fix output for missing data from
- Version 3.412 - 02-Jul-2024 (Base-Canada) update ec-forecast.php V5.07 to fix for changes in EC XML returns w/o almanac section
- Version 3.411 - 25-Apr-2024 (Base-Canada) update wxindex.php, wxradar.php, wxecradar-inc.php, wxecradar-iframe.php,
wxecradar-list-inc.php to switch to DPQPE images as EC discontinues PRECIP, CAS* and regional/national composite GIF images on 30-Apr-2024
- Version 3.410 - 01-Apr-2024 (Base-USA) update nws-alerts-details-inc.php V1.09, nws-alerts-config.php V1.05, alert-images/location.png to display pin over station location on alert map detail page (if alert includes geometries)
- Version 3.409 - 16-Mar-2024 (Base-*) update check-fetch-times.php V1.56 for additional diagnostics
- Version 3.408 - 08-Mar-2024 (Base-*) update get-metar-conditions-inc.php V1.22 to fix proxy access issue, include-metar-display.php V1.08 to fix 'space comma' issue in display on wxmetar.php
- Version 3.407 - 06-Mar-2024 (Base-USA) update nws-all-zones-inc.php V1.04 for NWS Zone changes (5-Mar-2024)
- Version 3.406 - 26-Feb-2024 (CU-plugin) update tags.txt V1.11 (and samples) to correct wchillH, TwchillH to proper wchillL, TwchillL variable names (thanks to BeaumarisWX)
- Version 3.405 - 15-Feb-2024 (Base-USA) update wxnwsradar.php, wxnwsradar-inc.php, wxnwsradar-iframe.php V2.03 to sanitize $_POST inputs to fix XSS vulerability (Thanks dwhitemv on
A full version history is available here.
Current Template Website Statistics
Numbers are counts of template websites by template version (V2, V3) and weather software used by the website.
Weather Software |
V2 |
V3 |
Total |
(Regional Site) |
21 |
6 |
27 | |
--- |
15 |
15 |
Cumulus |
--- |
60 |
60 |
CumulusMX |
--- |
2 |
2 |
Meteobridge |
--- |
29 |
29 |
Meteohub |
--- |
9 |
9 |
--- |
15 |
15 |
Weather-Display |
132 |
345 |
477 |
WeatherCat |
--- |
11 |
11 |
WeatherLink |
--- |
14 |
14 | |
--- |
3 |
3 |
WeatherSnoop |
--- |
1 |
1 |
--- |
1 |
1 |
sint wind pi |
--- |
1 |
1 |
weewx |
--- |
3 |
3 |
wview |
--- |
5 |
5 |
Totals: |
153 |
520 |
673 |
Note: Regional Weather Network sites do not run weather station software, but do use the V2 or V3 template set.
V2 template sets were based using Weather-Display software only.
Acknowledgements and thanks!
- Thanks to Kevin Reed ( and Tom Chaplin ( for providing the original Carterlake HTML Weather-Display template set.
- Thanks to Jozef ( and Tom Chaplin ( for pioneering the original Weather-Display AJAX script on which this AJAX function is based.
- Thanks to Kevin Reed ( for developing and sharing his included-file PHP website design on which this template set is based.
- Thanks to Mike Challis ( for developing the wind-rose graphic generator , the Template Style Editor, the Template Switcher and CSS files, developing the WDL and MML pages, and helping enhance many of the scripts used in this template set.
- Thanks to Tim Hanko ( for the prototype GR3radar page (USA).
- Thanks to Jim McMurry ( for his WeatherUnderground History display script.
- Thanks to Rob Ingham of RainmanWeather and Ysbrand of Venhuizen, NL weather for their invaluable assistance in helping create the Meteohub plugin for the template sets.
- Thanks to Paolo of Meteotreviglio for creating and sharing the animated forecast icon set.
- Thanks to Curly of Michiana Weather for creating the nws-alerts system and graciously allowing it to be included in the Base-USA template distribution (as of V3.105, 28-Jan-2012).
- Thanks to Larry of Siena Weather for his assistance in creating the AWN-plugin.
- Thanks to Gary of Narangba Weather in Queensland, AU for his generation of the weewx-saratoga extension for WeeWX which provides the data used by the Saratoga template with the WEEWX-plugin.