Daily / Monthly Weather History From This Station
Daily Report for the month of October 2024
1 October Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 76.9°F |
Average humidity | 38% |
Average dewpoint | 46.3°F |
Average barometer | 29.9 in. |
Average windspeed | 0.9 mph |
Average gustspeed | 1.9 mph |
Average direction | 290° (WNW) |
Rainfall for month | 0.00 in. |
Rainfall for year | 0.00 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.00 in. on 01 at 00:00 |
Maximum temperature | 98.2°F on 01 at 17:13 |
Minimum temperature | 60.1°F on 01 at 07:40 |
Maximum humidity | 65% on 01 at 08:58 |
Minimum humidity | 15% on 01 at 15:53 |
Maximum pressure | 29.957 in. on 01 at 09:33 |
Minimum pressure | 29.849 in. on 01 at 17:16 |
Maximum windspeed | 4.6 mph on 01 at 17:28 |
Maximum gust speed | 8.1 mph from 045 °(NE) on 01 at 15:11 |
Maximum heat index | 95.2°F on 01 at 17:09 |
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2 October Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 80.2°F |
Average humidity | 36% |
Average dewpoint | 47.9°F |
Average barometer | 29.8 in. |
Average windspeed | 0.8 mph |
Average gustspeed | 1.8 mph |
Average direction | 279° (W) |
Rainfall for month | 0.00 in. |
Rainfall for year | 0.00 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.00 in. on 02 at 23:59 |
Maximum temperature | 102.5°F on 02 at 16:37 |
Minimum temperature | 64.2°F on 02 at 08:05 |
Maximum humidity | 61% on 02 at 08:39 |
Minimum humidity | 13% on 02 at 17:10 |
Maximum pressure | 29.887 in. on 02 at 10:06 |
Minimum pressure | 29.740 in. on 02 at 18:04 |
Maximum windspeed | 4.6 mph on 02 at 16:17 |
Maximum gust speed | 8.1 mph from 00 °(N) on 02 at 16:00 |
Maximum heat index | 98.3°F on 02 at 16:18 |
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3 October Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 78.9°F |
Average humidity | 36% |
Average dewpoint | 47.7°F |
Average barometer | 29.7 in. |
Average windspeed | 0.9 mph |
Average gustspeed | 1.9 mph |
Average direction | 319° (NW) |
Rainfall for month | 0.00 in. |
Rainfall for year | 0.00 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.00 in. on 03 at 23:59 |
Maximum temperature | 98.7°F on 03 at 15:48 |
Minimum temperature | 64.5°F on 03 at 07:48 |
Maximum humidity | 59% on 03 at 08:26 |
Minimum humidity | 15% on 03 at 16:21 |
Maximum pressure | 29.786 in. on 03 at 23:59 |
Minimum pressure | 29.706 in. on 03 at 17:26 |
Maximum windspeed | 4.6 mph on 03 at 15:35 |
Maximum gust speed | 6.9 mph from 07 °(N) on 03 at 15:34 |
Maximum heat index | 95.5°F on 03 at 15:08 |
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4 October Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 74.4°F |
Average humidity | 46% |
Average dewpoint | 50.3°F |
Average barometer | 29.9 in. |
Average windspeed | 0.8 mph |
Average gustspeed | 1.7 mph |
Average direction | 349° (N) |
Rainfall for month | 0.00 in. |
Rainfall for year | 0.00 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.00 in. on 04 at 23:59 |
Maximum temperature | 94.3°F on 04 at 14:28 |
Minimum temperature | 60.4°F on 04 at 08:01 |
Maximum humidity | 82% on 04 at 09:14 |
Minimum humidity | 18% on 04 at 14:24 |
Maximum pressure | 29.920 in. on 04 at 22:00 |
Minimum pressure | 29.782 in. on 04 at 01:18 |
Maximum windspeed | 6.9 mph on 04 at 14:23 |
Maximum gust speed | 12.7 mph from 00 °(N) on 04 at 14:22 |
Maximum heat index | 90.8°F on 04 at 14:19 |
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5 October Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 77.6°F |
Average humidity | 39% |
Average dewpoint | 48.7°F |
Average barometer | 29.9 in. |
Average windspeed | 0.8 mph |
Average gustspeed | 1.9 mph |
Average direction | 278° (W) |
Rainfall for month | 0.00 in. |
Rainfall for year | 0.00 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.00 in. on 05 at 23:59 |
Maximum temperature | 96.6°F on 05 at 16:45 |
Minimum temperature | 62.9°F on 05 at 07:54 |
Maximum humidity | 65% on 05 at 08:53 |
Minimum humidity | 19% on 05 at 17:26 |
Maximum pressure | 29.975 in. on 05 at 10:11 |
Minimum pressure | 29.878 in. on 05 at 17:57 |
Maximum windspeed | 4.6 mph on 05 at 13:46 |
Maximum gust speed | 8.1 mph from 335 °(NNW) on 05 at 15:03 |
Maximum heat index | 93.9°F on 05 at 16:32 |
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6 October Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 80.3°F |
Average humidity | 35% |
Average dewpoint | 47.4°F |
Average barometer | 29.9 in. |
Average windspeed | 0.9 mph |
Average gustspeed | 2.0 mph |
Average direction | 276° (W) |
Rainfall for month | 0.00 in. |
Rainfall for year | 0.00 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.00 in. on 06 at 23:59 |
Maximum temperature | 99.2°F on 06 at 16:04 |
Minimum temperature | 64.7°F on 06 at 07:46 |
Maximum humidity | 63% on 06 at 08:49 |
Minimum humidity | 14% on 06 at 17:03 |
Maximum pressure | 29.951 in. on 06 at 09:20 |
Minimum pressure | 29.844 in. on 06 at 18:06 |
Maximum windspeed | 5.8 mph on 06 at 14:40 |
Maximum gust speed | 11.5 mph from 280 °(W) on 06 at 12:35 |
Maximum heat index | 95.0°F on 06 at 16:28 |
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Average and Extremes for Month of October 2024 up to day 6 |
Average temperature | 78.0°F |
Average humidity | 38% |
Average dewpoint | 48.0°F |
Average barometer | 29.859 in. |
Average windspeed | 0.8 mph |
Average gustspeed | 1.9 mph |
Average direction | 295° (WNW) |
Rainfall for month | 0.00 in. |
Rainfall for year | 0.00 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.00 in on 07 at 00:06 |
Maximum temperature | 102.5°F on 02 at 16:37 |
Minimum temperature | 60.1°F on 01 at 07:40 |
Maximum humidity | 82% on 04 at 09:14 |
Minimum humidity | 13% on 02 at 17:10 |
Maximum pressure | 29.97 in. on 05 at 10:11 |
Minimum pressure | 29.71 in. on 03 at 17:26 |
Maximum windspeed | 6.9 mph from 00°(N) on 04 at 14:23 |
Maximum gust speed | 12.7 mph from 023°(NNE) on 04 at 14:22 |
Maximum heat index | 98.3°F on 02 at 16:18 |
Avg daily max temp | 98.3°F |
Avg daily min temp | 62.8°F |
Growing degrees days | 178.4 GDD |
Day, Sunshine Hours, ET, Max Solar, UV |
01 10:12hrs |
ET :0.14 in. |
700.0 W/mē |
4.9 uv |
02 10:12hrs |
ET :0.15 in. |
690.0 W/mē |
4.6 uv |
03 10:06hrs |
ET :0.15 in. |
690.0 W/mē |
5.0 uv |
04 10:06hrs |
ET :0.14 in. |
684.0 W/mē |
4.8 uv |
05 10:00hrs |
ET :0.15 in. |
669.0 W/mē |
4.6 uv |
06 09:42hrs |
ET :0.15 in. |
720.0 W/mē |
4.6 uv |