
Weather station scripts - Buoy Data

They're free, but use at your own risk

The scripts referenced here are used in the operation of this weather station, and may be freely copied and used to support your station. Please note that you use these scripts at your own risk. No warranty is expressed or implied. I accept no liability for any damages that may ensue from their use.
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Note: Twitter widget has been disabled 3-Jul-2023 since it no longer displays the recent update Tweets.

This page was updated Friday, 21-Apr-2023 3:17 PM

PHP Scripts (run on webserver)

These scripts have run on PHP 4.1.2, and PHP 4.4.1. I don't have access to PHP 3.x, so it is not known if they will work on versions below PHP 4.1.2. If you try them and they work (or not) on earlier versions of PHP, please send me a message at webmaster[at] and let me know the results.

NDBC Buoy data mesomap PHP script

This PHP script will extract recent buoy data from the National Data Buoy Center ( )and display the data as rotating conditions on a mesomap graphic and/or create a table of the current temperature, wind, barometer and wave data. Here is a live example of the output:

Mesomap of nearby weather buoys

 Air Temperature   Water Temperature   Wind Direction @ Speed   Wind Gust Speed   Barometer   Barometer Trend   Wave Height   Wave Dominant Period 

49.6 °F 53.2 °F N 7 mph 11 mph 30.22 in n/a in n/a ft n/a sec

48.7 °F 52.0 °F W 2 mph 5 mph 30.23 in n/a in n/a ft n/a sec

51.3 °F n/a °F NNW 11 mph 16 mph 30.21 in n/a in n/a ft n/a sec

49.3 °F n/a °F WSW 8 mph 10 mph 30.21 in n/a in n/a ft n/a sec

n/a °F n/a °F n/a n/a mph 30.24 in n/a in n/a ft n/a sec

n/a °F 54.1 °F n/a n/a mph n/a in n/a in 6.6 ft 13 sec

50.4 °F 53.2 °F W 5 mph 6 mph 30.22 in n/a in n/a ft n/a sec

50.9 °F 53.2 °F WSW 7 mph 9 mph 30.23 in n/a in n/a ft n/a sec

n/a °F 54.0 °F n/a n/a mph n/a in n/a in 4.3 ft 13 sec

50.2 °F n/a °F WSW 7 mph 10 mph 30.23 in n/a in n/a ft n/a sec

49.6 °F 53.4 °F NW 7 mph 9 mph 30.22 in n/a in n/a ft n/a sec

51.8 °F 54.0 °F n/a n/a mph 30.21 in +0.02 in n/a ft n/a sec

n/a °F n/a °F NNW 11 mph 16 mph 30.20 in n/a in n/a ft n/a sec

Point Arena, CA at 1840: Air:49.6°F, Wtr:53.2°F, N@7mph G 11, 30.22in, Wav:n/aft Point Arena, CA (PTAC1) - no recent report available Arena Cove, CA at 1830: Air:48.7°F, Wtr:52.0°F, W@2mph G 5, 30.23in, Wav:n/aft Bodega Bay at 1840: Air:51.3°F, Wtr:n/a°F, NNW@11mph G 16, 30.21in, Wav:n/aft Port Chicago, CA at 1830: Air:49.3°F, Wtr:n/a°F, WSW@8mph G 10, 30.21in, Wav:n/aft Point Reyes, CA at 1830: Air:n/a°F, Wtr:n/a°F, 30.24in, Wav:n/aft Point Reyes, CA at 1826: Air:n/a°F, Wtr:54.1°F, n/ain, Wav:6.6ft Tiburon Pier, SF Bay, CA (TIBC1) - no recent report available Richmond, CA at 1830: Air:50.4°F, Wtr:53.2°F, W@5mph G 6, 30.22in, Wav:n/aft Alameda, CA at 1830: Air:50.9°F, Wtr:53.2°F, WSW@7mph G 9, 30.23in, Wav:n/aft San Francisco, CA at 1810: Air:n/a°F, Wtr:54.0°F, n/ain, Wav:4.3ft San Francisco, CA at 1830: Air:50.2°F, Wtr:n/a°F, WSW@7mph G 10, 30.23in, Wav:n/aft Redwood City, CA at 1830: Air:49.6°F, Wtr:53.4°F, NW@7mph G 9, 30.22in, Wav:n/aft Half Moon Bay, CA (46012) - no recent report available MBM0 (46091) - no recent report available Monterey, CA (46042) - no recent report available MBM1 at 1810: Air:51.8°F, Wtr:54.0°F, 30.21in, Wav:n/aft MBM2 (46093) - no recent report available Monterey, CA (MTYC1) - no recent report available Cape San Martin at 1840: Air:n/a°F, Wtr:n/a°F, NNW@11mph G 16, 30.20in, Wav:n/aft

ID Name Time
46014 Point Arena, CA 1840 49.6 53.2 N 7 11 30.22 n/a n/a n/a
PTAC1 Point Arena, CA No recent reports.
ANVC1 Arena Cove, CA 1830 48.7 52.0 W 2 5 30.23 n/a n/a n/a
46013 Bodega Bay 1840 51.3 n/a NNW 11 16 30.21 n/a n/a n/a
PCOC1 Port Chicago, CA 1830 49.3 n/a WSW 8 10 30.21 n/a n/a n/a
PRYC1 Point Reyes, CA 1830 n/a n/a n/a n/a 30.24 n/a n/a n/a
46214 Point Reyes, CA 1826 n/a 54.1 n/a n/a n/a n/a 6.6 13
TIBC1 Tiburon Pier, SF Bay, CA No recent reports.
RCMC1 Richmond, CA 1830 50.4 53.2 W 5 6 30.22 n/a n/a n/a
AAMC1 Alameda, CA 1830 50.9 53.2 WSW 7 9 30.23 n/a n/a n/a
46026 San Francisco, CA 1810 n/a 54.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a 4.3 13
FTPC1 San Francisco, CA 1830 50.2 n/a WSW 7 10 30.23 n/a n/a n/a
RTYC1 Redwood City, CA 1830 49.6 53.4 NW 7 9 30.22 n/a n/a n/a
46012 Half Moon Bay, CA No recent reports.
46091 MBM0 No recent reports.
46042 Monterey, CA No recent reports.
46092 MBM1 1810 51.8 54.0 n/a n/a 30.21 +0.02 n/a n/a
46093 MBM2 No recent reports.
MTYC1 Monterey, CA No recent reports.
46028 Cape San Martin 1840 n/a n/a NNW 11 16 30.20 n/a n/a n/a

The script has three parts: the buoy-data.php script itself, a text configuration file, and a JPG image of the map to display. Optionally, you can use a set of wind arrows to appear in the display. Included with the distribution file are sample configuration files, wind arrows, and associated graphics from the NDBC website. Be aware that some customization of the configuration file is REQUIRED, and you'll need to be familiar with using image hotspot coordinates to do the customization. More information on customization instructions and possibilities is contained in the buoy-data-readme.txt file in the distribution.

The script output is XHTML 1.0-Strict compliant (with version 1.05). The script also creates a CSS and a JavaScript required for the rotating condigions display. This script has been tested and works with IE V6-SP2, IE7, Firefox, Netscape 7.0 and Opera 8 browsers, and a PHP 4.2.1+ with GD 2.0 enabled. If the browser's JavaScript is not enabled, a small message will appear in the output, and the mesomap will display Air Temperature only. The following parameters are available on the buoy-data.php script:

If present, the script will not output surrounding HTML for the page returned. You should specify this if you invoke the script from within your webpage i.e.
<?php include(""); ?>
Both Map and Table are returned by this parameter.
If present, the script will just return the required in-line CSS for the mesomap display. You should specify this if you invoke the script from within the <head></head> section your webpage i.e.
<?php include(""); ?>
Only the CSS is returned by this parameter.
inc=MAP   (added in V1.02)
If present, the script will not output surrounding HTML for the page returned. You should specify this if you invoke the script from within your webpage i.e.
<?php include(""); ?>
Only the mesomap with rotating conditions is returned by this parameter.
inc=TABLE   (added in V1.02)
If present, the script will not output surrounding HTML for the page returned. You should specify this if you invoke the script from within your webpage i.e.
<?php include(""); ?>
Only the buoy table is returned by this parameter.
(Default) Display temperature, wind, barometer and wave info in English units.
Display temperature, wind barometer and wave info in Metric units. .
(default)-- convert wind speed m/s->kph and kts->mph
leave wind speed in m/s and kts
kts=N  (New in V1.10)
(default)-- leave wind speeds in units as set by units=M/E and cnv=Y/N
kts=Y  (New in V1.10)
force wind speed display to Knots

For webmaster help with debugging the setup/configuration of the script, the following parameters may also be used:

(default) display normal mesomap graphic.
display mesomap graphic with hotspots outlined in green to enable debugging of configuration file. Rest of page is displayed normally with rotating conditions and table of data..
display only the mesomap graphic image with hotspots outlined in green.
Include results of parsing the configuration file as HTML comments in the page. Useful to ensure the settings are correct in the configuration file.
cache=no   (added in V1.01)
Changes $refetchSeconds to 10 (to clear the cache file) .

Added in V1.12 was the ability to directly include the script and print the CSS, Map and Table in a simple manner. This method is recommended for PHP5 installations where allow_url_include is turned off.

In the <head></head> part of the including page, put:

 $doPrintBUOY = false;
 print $BUOY_CSS; 

in the <body></body> part of the including page, put:

<?php print $BUOY_MAP; ?>
<?php print $BUOY_TABLE ?>

If you need to center the map and table on the page, don't use <center></center> or <div align="center></div> as it will cause the map display to offset from the background map. Instead use in the <body></body> part:

 <table width="99%">
<tr><td align="center">
<table width="100%">
<td align="center">
<?php print $BUOY_MAP; ?>
<td align="left">
<?php print $BUOY_TABLE ?>


NDBC buoy data mesomap PHP .zip package V1.21[21-Apr-2023] : demo and download [ see version history ]
Download just the buoy-data.php script [V1.21 21-Apr-2023]
Contributed graphics and configuration files are also available here and in the latest .zip file.
