
Weather station scripts

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This page was updated Tuesday, 28-Jul-2020 2:45 PM

PHP for NWS Area Forecast Discussion

This PHP script will fetch and cache the Forecast Area Discussion issued by your local NWS office.
Thanks to Mike Challis of Long Beach, WA for the inspiration for and enhancement of this script.

FXUS66 KMTR 201618

Area Forecast Discussion
National Weather Service San Francisco CA
918 AM PDT Fri Sep 20 2024


Issued at 350 AM PDT Fri Sep 20 2024

Warmer temperatures today mark the beginning of a steady warming
trend that will persist through the weekend into the beginning of
next week. Moderate heat risk conditions are still possible for many
interior locations Monday and Tuesday, but forecast trend has been
slightly cooler.


Issued at 912 AM PDT Fri Sep 20 2024

Stratus is just starting to break up across the region, with the
interior East Bay and the Carmel Valley clearing out the most
visibly on satellite imagery. Some coastal drizzle was observed
earlier this morning, with accumulations ranging from a trace to a
few hundredths of an inch. Progressive clearing of stratus is
expected inland with the immediate coast and parts of Monterey Bay
remaining socked in through the day. No updates to the forecast at
this time.



(Today and tonight)
Issued at 350 AM PDT Fri Sep 20 2024

Low stratus clouds have filled in along the coastline and interior
gaps and valleys overnight and will begin to erode by mid/late
morning except along the immediate coastline, especially Monterey
Bay, where the marine boundary layer is reestablished with light
onshore flow throughout the day. Gradual but steady H50 height
increases in the wake of the upper low moving inland over SOCAL this
afternoon will lift temperatures up about 5 degrees over inland
locations from yesterdays high temperatures. High pressure continues
to build offshore tomorrow, driving temperatures warmer on Saturday
to around normal values for this time of year.


(Saturday through Thursday)
Issued at 350 AM PDT Fri Sep 20 2024

Temperatures will gradually warm through the weekend into the
beginning of next week. The forecasted max temperatures have trended
slightly cooler but moderate heat risk across many inland locations
Monday and Tuesday may still lead to the need for a Heat Advisory
for those two days. There is poor consensus for the evolution of the
synoptic pattern west of the Rockies for the first half of next
week, as a weak upper level low develops off the coast of SOCAL.
Nonetheless, temperatures moderate somewhat for the second half of
next week from Monday and Tuesdays peak. We appear to remain dry
through the extended forecast after some welcomed rainfall over
southern Monterey County yesterday.


(12Z TAFS)
Issued at 404 AM PDT Fri Sep 20 2024

Stratus and fog /VLIFR-IFR-MVFR/ are moving inland on onshore winds
this morning. Stratus and fog mixing out back to near the coast and
bays by late morning and afternoon today.

Vicinity of SFO...IFR prevailing to 1700z today, MVFR 1700z to 1830z
today then VFR. IFR returning late tonight. West to southwest wind
5 to 15 knots.

SFO Bridge Approach...Similar to SFO.

Monterey Bay Terminals...VLIFR-IFR due to stratus and fog this morning,
conditions improving to MVFR-VFR by late morning and afternoon today.
MVFR-IFR in stratus and fog returning tonight. Onshore winds mainly
5 to 15 knots.


(Today through Wednesday)
Issued at 912 AM PDT Fri Sep 20 2024

Moderate northwesterly winds continuing through Monday, then
decrease to become gentle towards Tuesday. Seas will continue to
build through the weekend, with wave heights up to 13 feet in the
far northern outer waters as large, and shorter period
northwesterly swell continues to move into the waters. Seas begin
to abate Tuesday through the end of the forecast period.


PZ...Small Craft Advisory until 9 PM PDT Saturday for Pt Arena to Pt
     Reyes 10-60 NM.




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NWS MTR Office Area Forecast Discussion

To use, include the output of the script on your webpage by using

$doIncludeFD = true;
include("forecast-discussion.php"); ?>

to perform the include. Settings inside the script are:

// settings:
//  change myNWS to abbreviation for your local NWS office
//    other settings are optional
    $myNWS = 'MTR';   // San Francisco, NWS office
//  $myNWS = 'PQR';   // Portland, OR
//  $myNWS = 'OAX';   // Omaha, NE (Carter Lake, IA)
$cacheName = "forecast-discussion.txt"; // used to store the file so we don't have to // fetch it each time $refetchSeconds = 1800; // refetch every nnnn seconds
$cacheFileDir = './'; // default cache file directory // end of settings

The only required setting is for $myNWS which designates the local NWS office.
To find the 3-character abbreviation for your local NWS office for the $myNWS variable, follow these steps:

  1. Browse to
  2. Use the search box on the left to search for your city, state
  3. Look at the URL in the 'Forecast Discussion' link near the bottom of the page
  4. Use the 3-character abbreviation is in the &issuedby=XXX parameter on the Forecast Discussion link (XXX will be your local office)
  5. put the XXX in the $myNWS = 'XXX'; statement

The script has two optional parameters when you call it by URL from your website::

Will return the contents without the surrounding <html><head></head><body> and </body></html> tags
Will override the default $refetchSeconds=1800 so that the cache is refreshed immediately

NWS Area Forecast Discussion PHP script Demo and Download (1.06 - 27-Feb-2018 see history).

PHP for NWS CPC World Extremes

This script was originated by Michael of and has been rewritten to use the NWS Climate Prediction Center's CSV file for world observations. The script does not produce output (other than HTML comments for status), so you are free to include it in a page, and format the text output as you desire. The script returns data in variables:

$omittedCountry (text list of countries excluded from $world high/low/precip scans)
Note: the setting $ignoreCountrys is the array of country names to to exclude

$selectedCountry (setting: country name for selected country high/low/precip)
Note: run to see the list of country names to use

$usahigh (Note: for lower-48 USA states)
$usalow (Note: for lower-48 USA states)
$usaprecip (Note: for lower-48 USA states)

$selectedState (setting: USA state 2-character name abbreviation in settings area)
$selectState (a copy of $selectedState for compatibility with old stateextremes.php)

$reportDate (nicely formatted date of the report)
$stateReportDate (a copy of $reportDate for compatibility with old stateextremes.php)

You can run the script by using:


print "<p>USA Extremes for $reportDate</p>\n";
print "<p>High Temperature<br/><br/>$usahigh</p>\n";
print "<p>Low Temperature<br/><br/>$usalow</p>\n";
print "<p>High Precipatation<br/><br/>$usaprecip</p>\n";
print "<p><small>Data courtesy of <a href=\"";
print "";
print "\">NWS-CPC</a></small></p>\n";


which produces this result (with live data):

USA Extremes for Thursday, September 19, 2024

High Temperature

104°F at Alva Regional Airport, OK
104°F at Blackwell Tonkawa Municipal Airport, OK
104°F at Enid Vance Afb, OK

Low Temperature

27°F at Big Piney Marbleton Ap, WY
27°F at Kremmling Mcelroy Airfield, CO
27°F at Walden Jackson County Airport, CO

High Precipatation

2.44in at Fort Lauderdale Executive Ap, FL

Data courtesy of NWS-CPC

The script has internal settings which you can adjust. If run in a Saratoga template, the cache file will be stored in the ./cache/ directory based on $SITE['cacheFileDir'] in Settings.php.

$cacheFileDir = './'; // directory to store cache file in.
$cacheFile2 = "worldextremesCache.txt";  
// Age of cache file before re-fetch caching time, in seconds (3600 = 1 hour)
$cache_life = '3600';
$reportDateFormat = "l, F j, Y"; // Day, Month d, yyyy 
$tUOM = '&deg;F'; // or ='' for no temperature unit display (display in C is default)
$rUOM = 'in';     // or ='' for no rain unit display (display in mm is default)
$ignoreCountrys = array('Antarctica','Greenland');     // for world extremes - exclude these country(s)
$ignoreStations = array('99KLRJ');     // list of stn_id (field 0) to ignore for bogus data
$tempDiffAllowed = 40; // max difference Tmax-Tmin (C) for valid data
$selectedCountry = 'Canada'; // for country max/min/precip in $country* variables
// note: the $usa* variables will have the min/max/precip for the lower-48 states
$selectedState   = 'CA';  // for USA state max/min/precip in $state* variables

Note that $cacheFileDir, $tUOM, $rUOM will use the Saratoga template Settings.php values if used in a Saratoga template.

NWS CPC One Day Extremes PHP script Download (5.04 - 28-Jul-2020 see history).
