They're free, but use at your own risk
The scripts referenced here are used in the operation of this weather station, and may be freely copied and used to support your station. Please note that you use these scripts at your own risk. No warranty is expressed or implied. I accept no liability for any damages that may ensue from their use.
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This page was updated
Wednesday, 10-May-2023 10:58 AM
Weather Warnings from (EUMETNET member countries)
This script will read and cache a weather awareness warning from for a specified region(s) in a country that participates in EUMETNET. The countries/areas in color are available.
As a standalone script, it can be configured to display the warning in any one of the supported languages of the member countries. When used within the AJAX/PHP Base-World template, the language for the template set will be automatically selected. Please note that the translations for the contents are provided by , and no additional translation is done by the World-ML template set..
Settings in the file for non-template use are:
# local default settings .. overridden by Settings.php entries
#$alarm_area = 'DK002'; # leave unset-- the $SITE['EUwarnings'] will configure it.
$cacheFileDir = './';
$ourTZ = 'Europe/Brussels';
$dateFormat = "Y-m-d";
$timeFormatShort = "h:i T";
# end local settings
# end of configurable settings
For AJAX/PHP Base-World template users, only two settings need to be changed in Settings.php.
// For Europe only, use the site for your area's watches/warnings on the wxadvisory page
// $SITE['EUwarnings'] is used by get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php V3.00 for EU countries
// Go to to get the EMMA_ID code(s) for your area
// and uncomment the following with your codes installed to activate the wxadvisory.php script.
#$SITE['EUwarnings'] = 'DK002,DK004,EE007';
$SITE['useMeteoalarm'] = true; // =true; to use get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php for alerts; =false; if not
To find the URL to use for $alarm_area (or $SITE['EUwarnings'] in Settings.php), use your browser to open website. Use the map search function to find an area, or just zoom in/drag the map until your location is shown. Mouse over the area to display the EMMA_ID to use. Repeat as needed for additional areas.
Caution: If additional areas are in other countries, be aware that each unique country code seen will require a data fetch from site and will delay the loading of the page to the visitor.
The get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php script uses a cache file to store the return from the $alarm_area page. The script stores 3 files in the directory set by $cacheFileDir (or $SITE['cacheFileDir'] in the Saratoga template. The files are:
- meteoalarm.arr - contains the serialized alerts array
- meteoalarm-detail.html - contains the HTML for a detail display with tabbed displays for each alert
- meteoalarm-summary.html - contains the HTML for a summary display with icons linked to the detail item on the detail page.
The script uses support files:
- meteoalarm-geocode-aliases.php - array of NUTS2/NUTS3 area codes with EMMA_ID aliases
- ./ajax-alerts/meteoalarm_*.svg - SVG icons used for alerts and info
get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php and
meteoalarm-geocode-aliases.php scripts need to be in the same directory, and the SVG images in the
./ajax-alerts/ directory for proper operation.
Include the following text on your page to display the output.
# for details use:
if(file_exists($warn_details)) { readfile($warn_details); }
# for summary use:
if(file_exists($warn_summary)) { readfile($warn_summary); }
Note: the Version 3.x of the script uses only UTF-8 character set (as that is all uses).
For use in the Saratoga templates, the individual page (wxindex.php and wxadvisory.php) MUST render in UTF-8 by using the $useUTF8 = true; directive after the $TITLE = '....'; statement.
Download: (V3.16 - 08-Mar-2023) (see Version History)
(note: this script is included with the AJAX/PHP Base-World website template )