Graphs of conditions over last 3 days
Graphs are updated by Davis WeatherLink V6.0.5 from this station's data at 5-minute intervals..
Weather conditions and free PHP weather website scripts from Saratoga, CA, USA
Graphs are updated by Davis WeatherLink V6.0.5 from this station's data at 5-minute intervals..
@ 09-Dec-2024 8:55pm |
Night time, Dry, mostly cloudy - | |
45.7 °F --- Feels like: 46°F 24-hr diff. -0.8°F |
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SSW 1.1 mph Gust: 2.0 mph |
Humidity: | 52% |
Dew Point: | 29.1°F |
Pressure: | 30.22 in Steady |
Solar Rad: | 0% 0 W/m2 |
UV Index: | 0.0 None |
Rain Today: | 0.00 in |
Rain Rate: | 0.000 in |
Rain Y'day: | 0.00 in |
Storm Rain: | 0.00 in |
Rain Month: | 0.00 in |
Rain Year: | 2.93 in |
Tonight Clear Lo 40 °F |
Tuesday Sunny Hi 66 °F |
Tuesday Night Mostly Cloudy Lo 43 °F |
Wednesday Partly Sunny Hi 67 °F |
Sunrise: | 7:11 am | |||||||||
Sunset: | 4:50 pm | |||||||||
Moonrise: | 1:34 pm | |||||||||
Moonset: | 1:47 am | |||||||||
Waxing Gibbous Moon | ||||||||||
68% Illuminated |
Today's Maxima | ||||||||||
Wind: | 13.0 mph 12:24pm |
UV: | 1.7 Low 11:26am |
Solar: | 466 11:45am |
Rain rate: | 0.000in/min 4:00pm |
Hourly Rain rate: |
0.000 in/hr |
Lower-48 States for Sunday, December 8, 2024 |
High Temperature 88°F at Christmas/Cassid, UM |
Low Temperature -12°F at Gunnison County Ap, CO |
High Precipation 2.05in at Lafayette Regional Ap, LA |
Data from NWS CPC |
CA on Sunday, December 8, 2024 |
High Temperature 77°F at El Centro Naf, CA |
Low Temperature 19°F at Truckee Airport, CA |
High Precipation 0.01in at Visalia Municipal Ap, CA |
Data from NWS CPC |
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