' .$advisory_html .''; }else{ echo '
' . $advisory_html .'
'; } ######### # Include and display full alert details:: # Live example: http://www.642weather.com/weather/advisories.php ######### to include this with Full advisory output, put the following code in your php page inside php tags: if ( isset($_GET['zone']) ) { $DefaultZone = $_GET['zone']; } else { $DefaultZone = 'WAZ021'; // set to your NOAA zone } $detailpage = 'advisories.php'; // overrides $hurlURL setting $includeOnly = 1; // include mode $noprint = 1; // required for echo $advisory_html output include 'originals-nonphp8/atom-advisory.php'; if (preg_match("|There are no active|i",$advisory_html) || preg_match("|Advisory Information Unavailable|i",$advisory_html)) { echo '
' .$advisory_html .'
'; }else{ echo $advisory_html; } ######### # CSS sample: ######### put this css style code in your css file (modify the colors if you like) (no need to worry about this if you use the PHP carterlake templates) see live sample at http://www.642weather.com/weather/index.php forum discussion page: http://www.weather-watch.com/smf/index.php/topic,29274.0.html .advisoryBox { color: black; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; background-color: #FFE991; margin: 0 0 0 0; padding: .5em 0em .5em 0em; border: 1px dashed rgb(34,70,79); } .advisoryBoxnoactive { color: black; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; background-color: white; margin: 0 0 0 0; padding: .5em 0em .5em 0em; border: 1px dashed rgb(34,70,79); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // begin settings //------------------------------------------------------------------ */ // change $myDefaultZone default(below) to your stations county zone // other settings are outlined below, and are optional $myDefaultZone = 'CAZ513'; // <== change this to your zone $hurlURL = 'wxadvisory.php'; // <== change this default to your webpage to open for details $HD = 'h2'; // <== type of heading for advisories <$HD>... $doLowerCase = true; // <== change to true to lowercase the advisories (new in ver. 1.05) $doLongTitles = true; // <== change to true to add the zone name to the Alert Title (new in ver. 2.00) // Heat Advisory // Heat Advisory - South Washington Coast (Washington) $doZoneTitles = true; // <== change to true to add the full zone name to the No Active Alert Title // false = There are no active watches, warnings or advisories for zone WAZ021. // true = There are no active watches, warnings or advisories for South Washington Coast (Washington). // cacheDir cacheName is name of file used to store cached current conditions $cacheFileDir = './'; // default cache file directory $cacheName = 'atom-advisory.txt'; // used to store the file so we don't have to fetch it each time // note: the real cache name will automatically be the above name with the Zone included // ie: rss-advisory.txt => rss-advisory-CAZ513.txt $fullMessagesMode = true; // note: enabling this uses more resources, // but is desired to fetch the complete message for each alert. (new in ver. 2.00) // Set the timezone for your location, because some servers are in different timezone than your location // http://saratoga-weather.org/timezone.txt has the list of timezone names // uncomment one ourTZ setting: NOTE: this *MUST* be set correctly or alert times will be incorrect //$ourTZ = 'America/New_York'; // Eastern Time //$ourTZ = 'America/Chicago'; // Central Time //$ourTZ = 'America/Denver'; // Mountain Time //$ourTZ = 'America/Phoenix'; // Mountain Standard Time - Arizona $ourTZ = 'America/Los_Angeles'; // Pacific Time // time format for alert's updated, effective and expired timestamps $timeFormat = 'D d-M-y h:ia T'; // Tue 02-Jun-09 06:14pm TZone // cache interval time $refetchSeconds = 600; // refetch every nnn seconds (600=10 minutes) // Alert icons (new in version V2.00 20-Jul-2009 BETA .025) // Each alert will display along with an icon image to indicate the type and severity of the alert. // To use this feature, you must download the icons from here: // www.642weather.com/weather/scripts/noaa-advisory-images.zip $enable_alert_icons = true; // this feature is optional // Alert icons directory. Only needed if Alert icons are enabled. // This setting is so you can name the images folder to what ever you like. $icons_folder = './alert-images'; // No slash on end // $flyer (this setting moved to wxflyer.php) // as of version 2.00, this setting moved to wxflyer.php // $flyerpromo (this setting moved to wxflyer.php) // as of version 2.00, this setting moved to wxflyer.php //------------------------------------------------------------------ // end settings. Do not alter any code below this point in the script or it may not run properly. //------------------------------------------------------------------ if (phpversion() < 5) { echo 'Failure: This ATOM/CAP Advisory Script requires PHP version 5 or greater. You only have PHP version: ' . phpversion(); exit; } // overrides from Settings.php if available global $SITE; if (isset ($SITE['noaazone'])) { $myDefaultZone = $SITE['noaazone']; } if (isset ($SITE['hurlURL'])) { $hurlURL = $SITE['hurlURL']; } if (isset ($SITE['timeFormat'])) { $timeFormat = $SITE['timeFormat']; } if (isset ($SITE['tz'])) { $ourTZ = $SITE['tz']; } if (isset($SITE['cacheFileDir'])) { $cacheFileDir = $SITE['cacheFileDir']; } // end of overrides from Settings.php if available if (!isset ($PHP_SELF)) { $PHP_SELF = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; }// needed for some PHP installations if (!isset ($DefaultZone)) { $DefaultZone = $myDefaultZone; } if (!isset ($hurlURL)) { $hurlURL = $PHP_SELF; } // Set timezone in PHP5/PHP4 manner if (!function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) { putenv("TZ=" . $ourTZ); } else { date_default_timezone_set("$ourTZ"); } // initialize vars global $Status, $advcount; $advcount = 0; $Summary = ''; $string = ''; $Status = ''; $curl_debug = ''; $xml = ''; $WLink = 0; $get_file_failed = 0; // set desired zone $Zone = $DefaultZone; $invalid_zone = 0; if (!preg_match("/^[a-z]{2}[C|Z][0-9]{3}$/i", $Zone)) { $invalid_zone = 1; // valid zone syntax from $DefaultZone setting } // mchallis added security update - protect zone value input. allowed zone = [2letters][C or Z][3numbers] if (isset($_GET['zone']) && preg_match("/^[a-z]{2}[C|Z][0-9]{3}$/i", $_GET['zone'])) { $Zone = $_GET['zone']; // valid zone syntax from input } else if (isset ($_GET['zone']) && !preg_match("/^[a-z]{2}[C|Z][0-9]{3}$/i", $_GET['zone'])) { $invalid_zone = 1; // invalid zone syntax from input } if (isset($_REQUEST['inc']) || isset($includeOnly)) { $includeOnly = true; // full html output or just contents (inc=Y)? } else { $includeOnly = false; } if (isset($_REQUEST['flyer']) || isset($flyer)) { $flyer = true; // used for printable flyer } else { $flyer = false; } if (isset($_REQUEST['summary']) || isset($doSummary)) { $doSummary = true; } else { $doSummary = false; } if (isset ($_REQUEST['noprint']) || isset($noprint)) { $noprint = true; } else { $noprint = false; } if (isset ($_REQUEST['detailpage']) ) { $detailpage = $_REQUEST['detailpage']; } if (isset($detailpage) ) { // new, safer way of setting detailpage $t = parse_url(urldecode($detailpage)); if (isset ($t['path'])) { $t['path'] = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($t['path'])); $t['path'] = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9-._]/i','', $t['path']); // character filter $Status .= "\n"; $hurlURL = $t['path']; } } if (isset ($_GET['sce']) and $_GET['sce'] == 'view' and !$includeOnly) { // -- self downloader -- $filenameReal = __file__; $download_size = filesize($filenameReal); header('Pragma: public'); header('Cache-Control: private'); header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate'); header("Content-type: text/plain"); header("Accept-Ranges: bytes"); header("Content-Length: $download_size"); header('Connection: close'); readfile($filenameReal); exit; } if (isset ($_GET['cache']) and strtolower($_GET['cache']) == 'refresh') { $refetchSeconds = 1; // set short period for refresh of cache } // fix up zone if need be.... only alpha-numeric and uppercase needed $Zone = strtoupper(preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9]/i', '', $Zone)); $RSS_URL = "https://alerts.weather.gov/cap/wwaatmget.php?x=$Zone"; $t = pathinfo($PHP_SELF); $Program = $t['basename']; $cacheName = $cacheFileDir . $cacheName; $cacheName = preg_replace('|\.txt$|i', "-$Zone.txt", $cacheName); $Status = "\n"; if (!$invalid_zone) { if (file_exists($cacheName) and filemtime($cacheName) + $refetchSeconds > time()) { //600=10 min $age = time() - filectime($cacheName); $nextFetch = $refetchSeconds - $age; $Status .= "\n"; $html = file_get_contents($cacheName); if (strlen($html) < 300) { $Status .= "\n"; $Status .= "','',trim($html)))) . " -->\n"; $get_file_failed = 1; } if (preg_match("//",$html)) { $Status .= "\n"; $get_file_failed = 2; } } else { if (!function_exists('curl_init')) { $xml = GrabURLWithoutHangingRA($RSS_URL); } else { $xml = curl_fetch_file($RSS_URL,0); } $Status .= $curl_debug; $curl_debug = ''; // mchallis added to format cap code tags $xml = str_replace("cap:", 'cap_', $xml); $xml = str_replace('/&//&/', '', $xml); $junk = 'n/a'; if (preg_match("/\r\n\r\n/", $xml)) { list($junk, $xml) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $xml, 2); } if ($xml == '') { $xml = $junk; // curl method does not have the headers $junk = 'n/a'; } if (preg_match("/invalid zone/i", $xml)) { $xml = 'invalid zone'; } if ($xml != 'invalid zone') { // not going to be a valid data return, do not cache it $fp = fopen($cacheName, "w"); if ($fp) { $write = fputs($fp, $xml); fclose($fp); $Status .= "\n"; } else { $Status .= "\n"; } } if (strlen($xml) < 300 && $xml != 'invalid zone') { // not going to be a valid data return, do cache it $Status .= "\n"; $Status .= "\n"; $Status .= "','',trim($xml)))) . " -->\n"; $get_file_failed = 1; } } } else { $xml = 'invalid zone'; } if (!$includeOnly) { // omit HTML headers if doing inc=Y $string .= ' RSS Advisory Script '; if (!$includeOnly and $doSummary) { $string .= "

\n"; } // for XHTML 1.0-Strict validation } // end .. only printed if full html needed // all output from program goes into $advisory_html if ($xml == 'invalid zone') { $advisory_html = "{$string}{$Status}

Advisory Information Unavailable, invalid advisory zone selected.

"; } else if ($get_file_failed == 1) { $advisory_html = "{$string}{$Status}" . graceful_error(); } else if ($get_file_failed == 2) { $advisory_html = "{$string}{$Status}

Advisory Information Unavailable, cache file conflict, view source for details.

"; } else { $advisory_html = advisory_main_code(); } $advisory_html .= "\n"; if (!$includeOnly) { if (!$includeOnly and $doSummary) { $advisory_html .= "

\n"; } $advisory_html .= ' '; } // end !$includeOnly - only printed if full html wanted (no inc=Y) if (!$includeOnly || !$noprint) { echo $advisory_html; $advisory_html = "\n"; } // ---------------------------- functions ----------------------------------- function advisory_main_code() { // mchallis added global $Summary, $HD, $hurlURL, $RSS_URL, $timeFormat, $fullMessagesMode, $doLongTitles, $doZoneTitles, $advcount, $enable_alert_icons, $icons_folder; global $doSummary, $Zone, $WLink, $cacheName, $includeOnly, $string, $Status, $doLowerCase, $flyer, $flyerpromo; $string .= $Status; if (!$xml = @ simplexml_load_file($cacheName)) { return graceful_error(); } foreach ($xml->entry as $entry) { /* available 'entry' fields from the xml: $entry->id (url) $entry->updated (time) 2009-05-30T15:50:00-08:00 $entry->title (alert name) $entry->summary (details) $entry->cap_effective (time) 2009-05-30T15:50:00-08:00 $entry->cap_expires (time) 2009-05-31T16:00:00-08:00 $entry->cap_status $entry->cap_msgType $entry->cap_category $entry->cap_urgency $entry->cap_severity $entry->cap_certanty $entry->cap_areaDesc ( location(s) ) */ $title = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(trim($entry->title))); $entry->summary = str_replace('/&//&/', '', $entry->summary); if ($enable_alert_icons && !is_file($icons_folder.'/iconkey.png')) { $icons_warning = '(Script settings error: Alert icons are enabled but cannot be found by the script. Check the settings for $icons_folder.)
'; } else { $icons_warning = ''; } if (preg_match("|There are no active|i", $title)) { if ($doZoneTitles) { $zone_name = preg_match("/Advisories for (.*)\(.*\)(.*) Issued by/", trim($xml->title), $matches); $zone_name = $matches[1].'('.trim($matches[2]).')'; if (!$doSummary) { $string .= '

' . $icons_warning.$title . " for $zone_name.

"; } // "There are no active watches, warnings or advisories for $Zone" $Summary = $icons_warning.$title . " for $zone_name."; } else { if (!$doSummary) { $string .= '

' . $icons_warning.$title . " for zone $Zone.

"; } // "There are no active watches, warnings or advisories for $Zone" $Summary = $icons_warning.$title . " for zone $Zone."; } } else { // title with zone name in it. if (!$WLink && !$doSummary) $string .= "<$HD>" . htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(trim($xml->title))) . "\n\n"; if (preg_match("| issued|", $title)) { //echo '|'.$title.'|(issued)'; // debugging $title = explode(" issued", $title); } else { //echo '|'.$title.'|(date)'; // debugging $title = explode(date("Y"), $title); } $title = $title[0]; $alert_icon_arr = find_alert_icon(trim($title)); if ($enable_alert_icons && !$icons_warning) { $this_icon = '' . htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(trim($title))) .' '; } else { $this_icon = ''; } // find the zone name: South Washington Coast (Washington) // in this string: 'Current Watches, Warnings and Advisories for South Washington Coast (WAZ021) Washington Issued by the National Weather Service'; if ($doLongTitles) { $zone_name = preg_match("/Advisories for (.*)\(.*\)(.*) Issued by/", trim($xml->title), $matches); $title .= ' - '.$matches[1].'('.trim($matches[2]).')'; } $WLink++; if (!$doSummary) { $string .= '
<'.$HD.'>'.$icons_warning.$this_icon."id) . '" title="Click to view this statement at the NWS" style="color: '. $alert_icon_arr['color'] .'">' . $title . "\n"; $updated_date = date($timeFormat, strtotime($entry->updated)); $string .= "\n"; $string .= '

'; $string .= "\n"; $string .= "\n"; $string .= "\n"; $string .= "\n"; $string .= "\n"; $string .= "\n"; $string .= "\n"; $string .= "\n"; $string .= "
Updated:" . $updated_date . "
Effective:" . date($timeFormat, strtotime($entry->cap_effective)) . "
Expires:" . date($timeFormat, strtotime($entry->cap_expires)) . "
\n"; $string .= "
\n"; $string .= "\n"; $string .= "\n"; $string .= '\n"; $string .= "\n"; $string .= "\n"; $string .= "\n"; $string .= "\n"; $string .= "\n"; $string .= "
Severity:' . htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(trim($entry->cap_severity))) . "
Urgency:"; if (trim($entry->cap_urgency) == 'Immediate') { $string .= '' . htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(trim($entry->cap_urgency))) . ''; } else { $string .= htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(trim($entry->cap_urgency))); } $string .= "
Certainty:" . htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(trim($entry->cap_certainty))) . "
\n"; $string .= "
\n"; $string .= "\n"; $string .= "\n"; $string .= "\n"; $string .= "\n"; $string .= "\n"; $string .= "\n"; $string .= "\n"; $string .= "\n"; $string .= "
Status:" . htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(trim($entry->cap_status))) . "
Type:" . htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(trim($entry->cap_msgType))) . "
Category:" . htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(trim($entry->cap_category))). "
\n"; $string .= '

'; $string .= "Areas affected: " . htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(trim($entry->cap_areaDesc))) . '
'; if ($fullMessagesMode) { $FMarray = get_full_message(trim($entry->id)); if (is_array($FMarray)) { // if it came back a string, fall back to $fullMessagesMode off $entry->summary = $FMarray['description']; if ($FMarray['instruction'] != '') { // instructions are not included in all alerts if ($doLowerCase) { // uppercase first word of every sentence $FMinstruction = ucfirst(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(strtolower($FMarray['instruction'])))); # $FMinstruction = preg_replace('/([\.!\?]\s+|\A)(\w)/e', '"$1" . strtoupper("$2")', $FMinstruction); $FMinstruction = preg_replace_callback('/([\.!\?]\s+|\A)(\w)/', function ($matches) { return($matches[1] . strtoupper($matches[2])); }, $FMinstruction); $string .= 'Instructions: ' . $FMinstruction; } else { $string .= 'Instructions: ' . trim(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($FMarray['instruction']))); } $string .= "

\n"; } } // end if is_array } // end if $fullMessagesMode if ($doLowerCase) { // uppercase first word of every sentence $FMsummary = trim($entry->summary); $FMsummary = ucfirst(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(strtolower($FMsummary)))); # $FMsummary = preg_replace('/([\.!\?]\s+|\A)(\w)/e', '"$1" . strtoupper("$2")', $FMsummary); $FMsummary = preg_replace_callback('/([\.!\?]\s+|\A)(\w)/', function ($matches) {return ( $matches[1] . strtoupper($matches[2])); }, $FMsummary); } else { $FMsummary = trim($entry->summary); $FMsummary = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($FMsummary)); } // line break corrections $FMsummary = preg_replace('/\.\.\.\n/', '...
', $FMsummary); $FMsummary = preg_replace('/\n\.\.\./', '
...', $FMsummary); $FMsummary = preg_replace('/\n\*/', '
*', $FMsummary); $string .= 'Message summary: ' . $FMsummary; if ($FMsummary != 'This alert has expired') $string .= "
...id) . "\">view the complete message\n"; $string .= "
\n"; } // mchallis modified for flyer usage if ($flyer) { $Summary .= '' . htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(trim($title))) . "$flyerpromo
\n"; } else { $Summary .= "".$this_icon."" . htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(trim($title))) . "
\n"; } $advcount++; } $title = ''; $link = ''; } // end foreach if ($doSummary) { $string .= $Summary; // mchallis modified for flyer usage if ($WLink && !$flyer) { $string .= "Click on link"; if ($WLink > 1) {$string .= "s";} $string .= " above to see details on the $WLink NOAA advisor"; if ($WLink > 1) {$string .= "ies"; } else { $string .= "y"; }; $string .= " for zone $Zone.\n"; } } if ($WLink && !$doSummary) { $string .= "

\n"; if ($enable_alert_icons) { $string .= 'Icon Legend: Icon key
'; } $string .= "Source: NWS Watches, Warnings or Advisories for zone $Zone\n

"; } return $string; } // end function advisory_main_code // ------------------------------------------------------------------ function get_full_message($url) { // mchallis added to get full contents of alert messages in real time global $string, $curl_debug; if (!function_exists('curl_init')) { // some do not have CURL $string .= "\n"; if (!$xml = @ simplexml_load_file($url)) { $string .= "\n"; return 'failed'; } } else { // use CURL $xml = curl_fetch_file($url,1); $string .= "\n"; $string .= $curl_debug; if (!$xml = @ simplexml_load_string($xml)) { $string .= "\n"; return 'failed'; } } $FMarray = array(); $FMarray['instruction'] = trim($xml->info->instruction); $FMarray['description'] = trim($xml->info->description); $FMarray['description'] = str_replace('/&//&/', '', $FMarray['description']); //print_r($xml); // for debugging return $FMarray; } // end function get_full_message // ------------------------------------------------------------------ function find_alert_icon($title){ // This function searches all alert titles to assign color code, severity, and icon // function code by (mchallis) mike challis, inspired by curly's AtomFeed.php $a = array(); $alert_types = array ( // looking for warning array('N'=>'Ashfall Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'EWW.gif'), array('N'=>'Avalanche Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'WSW.gif'), array('N'=>'Blizzard Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'1', 'I'=>'WSW.gif'), array('N'=>'Civil Danger Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'WSW.gif'), array('N'=>'Coastal Flood Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'CFW.gif'), array('N'=>'Dust Storm Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'EWW.gif'), array('N'=>'Earthquake Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'WSW.gif'), array('N'=>'Extreme Cold Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'HZW.gif'), array('N'=>'Excessive Heat Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'EHW.gif'), array('N'=>'Extreme Wind Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'EWW.gif'), array('N'=>'Fire Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'WSW.gif'), array('N'=>'Flash Flood Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'FFW.gif'), array('N'=>'Flood Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'FFW.gif'), array('N'=>'Freeze Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'FZW.gif'), array('N'=>'Gale Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'HWW.gif'), array('N'=>'Hard Freeze Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'HZW.gif'), array('N'=>'Hazardous Materials Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'WSW.gif'), array('N'=>'Hazardous Seas Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'SMW.gif'), array('N'=>'Heavy Freezing Spray Warning', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'SWA.gif'), array('N'=>'High Surf Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'SMW.gif'), array('N'=>'High Wind Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'HWW.gif'), array('N'=>'Hurricane Force Wind Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'1', 'I'=>'HUW.gif'), array('N'=>'Heavy Snow Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'1', 'I'=>'WSW.gif'), array('N'=>'Hurricane Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'1', 'I'=>'HUW.gif'), array('N'=>'Hurricane Wind Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'1', 'I'=>'HUW.gif'), array('N'=>'Ice Storm Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'ISW.gif'), array('N'=>'Lake Effect Snow Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'SMW.gif'), array('N'=>'Lakeshore Flood Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'SMW.gif'), array('N'=>'Law Enforcement Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'WSA.gif'), array('N'=>'Nuclear Power Plant Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'WSW.gif'), array('N'=>'Radiological Hazard Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'WSW.gif'), array('N'=>'Red Flag Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'FWW.gif'), array('N'=>'River Flood Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'FLW.gif'), array('N'=>'Severe Thunderstorm Warning', 'C'=>'#B11', 'S'=>'1', 'I'=>'SVR.gif'), array('N'=>'Shelter In Place Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'WSW.gif'), array('N'=>'Sleet Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'IPW.gif'), array('N'=>'Special Marine Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'SMW.gif'), array('N'=>'Tornado Warning', 'C'=>'#A00', 'S'=>'0', 'I'=>'TOR.gif'), array('N'=>'Tsunami Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'1', 'I'=>'SMW.gif'), array('N'=>'Tropical Storm Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'1', 'I'=>'TRW.gif'), array('N'=>'Typhoon Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'WSW.gif'), array('N'=>'Volcano Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'WSW.gif'), array('N'=>'Wind Chill Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'WCW.gif'), array('N'=>'Winter Storm Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'1', 'I'=>'WSW.gif'), array('N'=>'Winter Weather Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'1', 'I'=>'WSW.gif'), array('N'=>'Storm Warning', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'SVR.gif'), // looking for watch array('N'=>'Avalanche Watch', 'C'=>'#F33', 'S'=>'5', 'I'=>'WSA.gif'), array('N'=>'Blizzard Watch', 'C'=>'#F33', 'S'=>'5', 'I'=>'WSA.gif'), array('N'=>'Coastal Flood Watch', 'C'=>'#F33', 'S'=>'5', 'I'=>'CFA.gif'), array('N'=>'Excessive Heat Watch', 'C'=>'#F33', 'S'=>'5', 'I'=>'EHA.gif'), array('N'=>'Extreme Cold Watch', 'C'=>'#F33', 'S'=>'5', 'I'=>'HZA.gif'), array('N'=>'Flash Flood Watch', 'C'=>'#F33', 'S'=>'5', 'I'=>'FFA.gif'), array('N'=>'Fire Weather Watch', 'C'=>'#F33', 'S'=>'5', 'I'=>'FWA.gif'), array('N'=>'Flood Watch', 'C'=>'#F33', 'S'=>'5', 'I'=>'FFA.gif'), array('N'=>'Freeze Watch', 'C'=>'#F33', 'S'=>'5', 'I'=>'FZA.gif'), array('N'=>'Gale Watch', 'C'=>'#F33', 'S'=>'5', 'I'=>'GLA.gif'), array('N'=>'Hard Freeze Watch', 'C'=>'#F33', 'S'=>'5', 'I'=>'HZA.gif'), array('N'=>'Hazardous Seas Watch', 'C'=>'#F33', 'S'=>'5', 'I'=>'SUY.gif'), array('N'=>'Heavy Freezing Spray Watch', 'C'=>'#F33', 'S'=>'5', 'I'=>'SWA.gif'), array('N'=>'High Wind Watch', 'C'=>'#F33', 'S'=>'4', 'I'=>'WIY.gif'), array('N'=>'Hurricane Force Wind Watch', 'C'=>'#F33', 'S'=>'4', 'I'=>'HWW.gif'), array('N'=>'Hurricane Watch', 'C'=>'#F33', 'S'=>'4', 'I'=>'HUA.gif'), array('N'=>'Hurricane Wind Watch', 'C'=>'#F33', 'S'=>'4', 'I'=>'HWW.gif'), array('N'=>'Lake Effect Snow Watch', 'C'=>'#F33', 'S'=>'5', 'I'=>'WSA.gif'), array('N'=>'Lakeshore Flood Watch', 'C'=>'#F33', 'S'=>'5', 'I'=>'FFA.gif'), array('N'=>'Severe Thunderstorm Watch', 'C'=>'#F31', 'S'=>'4', 'I'=>'SVA.gif'), array('N'=>'Tornado Watch', 'C'=>'#F33', 'S'=>'3', 'I'=>'TOA.gif'), array('N'=>'Tropical Storm Watch', 'C'=>'#F33', 'S'=>'5', 'I'=>'TRA.gif'), array('N'=>'Tropical Storm Wind Watch', 'C'=>'#F33', 'S'=>'5', 'I'=>'WIY.gif'), array('N'=>'Tsunami Watch', 'C'=>'#F33', 'S'=>'5', 'I'=>'WSA.gif'), array('N'=>'Typhoon Watch', 'C'=>'#F33', 'S'=>'4', 'I'=>'HUA.gif'), array('N'=>'Wind Chill Watch', 'C'=>'#F33', 'S'=>'5', 'I'=>'WCA.gif'), array('N'=>'Winter Storm Watch', 'C'=>'#F33', 'S'=>'5', 'I'=>'SRA.gif'), array('N'=>'Winter Weather Watch', 'C'=>'#F33', 'S'=>'5', 'I'=>'WSA.gif'), array('N'=>'Storm Watch', 'C'=>'#F33', 'S'=>'5', 'I'=>'SRA.gif'), // looking for advisory array('N'=>'Air Stagnation Advisory', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'SCY.gif'), array('N'=>'Ashfall Advisory', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'WSW.gif'), array('N'=>'Blowing Dust Advisory', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'HWW.gif'), array('N'=>'Blowing Snow Advisory', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'WSA.gif'), array('N'=>'Coastal Flood Advisory', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'FLS.gif'), array('N'=>'Small Craft Advisory', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'SCY.gif'), array('N'=>'Dense Fog Advisory', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'FGY.gif'), array('N'=>'Dense Smoke Advisory', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'SMY.gif'), array('N'=>'Brisk Wind Advisory', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'WIY.gif'), array('N'=>'Flash Flood Advisory', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'FLS.gif'), array('N'=>'Flood Advisory', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'FLS.gif'), array('N'=>'Freezing Drizzle Advisory', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'SWA.gif'), array('N'=>'Freezing Fog Advisory', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'FZW.gif'), array('N'=>'Freezing Rain Advisory', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'SWA.gif'), array('N'=>'Freezing Spray Advisory', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'SWA.gif'), array('N'=>'Frost Advisory', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'FRY.gif'), array('N'=>'Heat Advisory', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'HTY.gif'), array('N'=>'High Surf Advisory', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'SUY.gif'), array('N'=>'Hydrologic Advisory', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'FLS.gif'), array('N'=>'Lake Effect Snow Advisory', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'WSA.gif'), array('N'=>'Lake Effect Snow and Blowing Snow Advisory', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'WSA.gif'), array('N'=>'Lake Wind Advisory', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'LWY.gif'), array('N'=>'Lakeshore Flood Advisory', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'FLS.gif'), array('N'=>'Low Water Advisory', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'FFA.gif'), array('N'=>'Sleet Advisory', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'SWA.gif'), array('N'=>'Snow Advisory', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'WSA.gif'), array('N'=>'Snow and Blowing Snow Advisory', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'WSA.gif'), array('N'=>'Tsunami Advisory', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'SWA.gif'), array('N'=>'Wind Advisory', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'WIY.gif'), array('N'=>'Wind Chill Advisory', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'WCY.gif'), array('N'=>'Winter Weather Advisory', 'C'=>'#F60', 'S'=>'6', 'I'=>'WWY.gif'), // looking for statement array('N'=>'Coastal Flood Statement', 'C'=>'#C70', 'S'=>'7', 'I'=>'FFS.gif'), array('N'=>'Flash Flood Statement', 'C'=>'#C70', 'S'=>'7', 'I'=>'FFS.gif'), array('N'=>'Flood Statement', 'C'=>'#C70', 'S'=>'7', 'I'=>'FFS.gif'), array('N'=>'Hurricane Statement', 'C'=>'#C70', 'S'=>'7', 'I'=>'HUA.gif'), array('N'=>'Lakeshore Flood Statement', 'C'=>'#C70', 'S'=>'7', 'I'=>'FFS.gif'), array('N'=>'Marine Weather Statement', 'C'=>'#C70', 'S'=>'7', 'I'=>'MWS.gif'), array('N'=>'Public Information Statement', 'C'=>'#C70', 'S'=>'7', 'I'=>'PNS.gif'), array('N'=>'River Flood Statement', 'C'=>'#C70', 'S'=>'7', 'I'=>'FLS.gif'), array('N'=>'River Statement', 'C'=>'#C70', 'S'=>'7', 'I'=>'RVS.gif'), array('N'=>'Severe Weather Statement', 'C'=>'#F33', 'S'=>'7', 'I'=>'SVS.gif'), array('N'=>'Special Weather Statement', 'C'=>'#C70', 'S'=>'7', 'I'=>'SPS.gif'), array('N'=>'Tropical Statement', 'C'=>'#C70', 'S'=>'7', 'I'=>'HLS.gif'), array('N'=>'Typhoon Statement', 'C'=>'#C70', 'S'=>'7', 'I'=>'TRA.gif'), // looking for other misc. things array('N'=>'Air Quality Alert', 'C'=>'#06C', 'S'=>'8', 'I'=>'SPS.gif'), array('N'=>'Significant Weather Alert', 'C'=>'#F33', 'S'=>'4', 'I'=>'SWA.gif'), array('N'=>'Child Abduction Emergency', 'C'=>'#093', 'S'=>'10', 'I'=>'SPS.gif'), array('N'=>'Civil Emergency Message', 'C'=>'#093', 'S'=>'4', 'I'=>'SPS.gif'), array('N'=>'Local Area Emergency', 'C'=>'#093', 'S'=>'4', 'I'=>'SPS.gif'), array('N'=>'Extreme Fire Danger', 'C'=>'#D00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'WSW.gif'), array('N'=>'Coastal Hazard', 'C'=>'#C70', 'S'=>'7', 'I'=>'CFS.gif'), array('N'=>'Short Term', 'C'=>'#093', 'S'=>'9', 'I'=>'NOW.gif'), array('N'=>'911 Telephone Outage', 'C'=>'#36C', 'S'=>'11', 'I'=>'SPS.gif'), array('N'=>'Evacuation Immediate', 'C'=>'EA00', 'S'=>'2', 'I'=>'SVW.gif'), // looking for no active array('N'=>'no active', 'C'=>'#333', 'S'=>'', 'I'=>''), ); // loop through the $alert_types array now foreach ($alert_types as $a_type) { if(strpos($title,$a_type['N']) !== false){ $a['color'] = $a_type['C']; $a['severity'] = $a_type['S']; $a['icon'] = $a_type['I']; return $a; // found it so just return out of this function now } } // still did not find anything.... // assign a default for each alert type if (strpos($title,"Warning") !== false) { $a['color'] = "#D11"; $a['severity'] = 2; $a['icon'] = 'SVW.gif'; return $a; // found it so just return now } if (strpos($title,"Watch") !== false) { $a['color'] = "#F30"; $a['severity'] = 4; $a['icon'] = 'SWA.gif'; return $a; // found it so just return now } if (strpos($title,"Advisory") !== false) { $a['color'] = "#F60"; $a['severity'] = 6; $a['icon'] = 'SWA.gif'; return $a; // found it so just return now } if (strpos($title,"Statement") !== false) { $a['color'] = "#C70"; $a['severity'] = 7; $a['icon'] = 'SWA.gif'; return $a; // found it so just return now } if (strpos($title,"Air") !== false) { $a['color'] = "#06C"; $a['severity'] = 8; $a['icon'] = 'SPS.gif'; return $a; // found it so just return now } if (strpos($title,"Short") !== false) { $a['color'] = "#093"; $a['severity'] = 9; $a['icon'] = 'NOW.gif'; return $a; // found it so just return now } if (strpos($title,"Emergency") !== false) { $a['color'] = "#093"; $a['severity'] = 4; $a['icon'] = 'SPS.gif'; return $a; // found it so just return now } if (strpos($title,"Outage") !== false) { $a['color'] = "#36C"; $a['severity'] = 11; $a['icon'] = 'SPS.gif'; return $a; // found it so just return now } if (strpos($title,"no active") !== false) { $a['color'] = "#333"; $a['severity'] = 14; $a['icon'] = ''; // this might need a 'no active' icon? } // wow, all the way down here and did not match any alerts... // well then here is some kind of default for nothing found. $a['color'] = "#333"; $a['severity'] = 14; $a['icon'] = 'SPS.gif'; return $a; } // end function find_alert_icon // ------------------------------------------------------------------ function GrabURLWithoutHangingRA($url) { // force https access to alerts.weather.gov and use file_get_contents() global $Status; $URL = str_replace('http://alerts.weather.gov/','https://alerts.weather.gov/',$url); $Status .= "\n"; $TOTALtime = 0; $STRopts = array( 'http'=>array( 'method'=>"GET", 'protocol_version' => 1.1, 'header'=>"Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate\r\n" . "Cache-control: max-age=0\r\n" . "Connection: close\r\n" . "User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 ($Version, saratoga-weather.org)\r\n" . "Accept: text/plain,text/html\r\n" ), 'https'=>array( 'method'=>"GET", 'protocol_version' => 1.1, 'header'=>"Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate\r\n" . "Cache-control: max-age=0\r\n" . "Connection: close\r\n" . "User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 ($Version, saratoga-weather.org)\r\n" . "Accept: text/plain,text/html\r\n" ) ); $STRcontext = stream_context_create($STRopts); $T_start = microtime_float(); $xml = file_get_contents($URL,false,$STRcontext); $headerarray = get_headers($URL,0); $theaders = join("\r\n",$headerarray); $xml = $theaders . "\r\n\r\n" . $xml; $T_close = microtime_float(); $ms_total = sprintf("%01.3f",round($T_close - $T_start,3)); $Status .= "\n"; $Status .= "\n"; $Status .= "\n"; return($xml); } // end function GrabURLWithoutHangingRA // ------------------------------------------------------------------ function curl_fetch_file($url, $fullMessages = 0) { // mchallis added get contents from one URL using a CURL call and return as string global $curl_debug, $fullMessagesMode; $URL = str_replace('http://alerts.weather.gov/','https://alerts.weather.gov/',$url); $curl_debug .= "\n"; $curlurl = str_replace("http://", '', $url); $urlComponents = explode("/", $curlurl); $domain = $urlComponents[0]; $resourcePath = str_replace($domain, '', $curlurl); $curl_debug .= "\n"; $time_start = microtime_float(); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042316 Firefox/3.0.10 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $URL); if ($fullMessages == 1) { // use a different timeout while getting $fullMessages curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 3); // 3 sec timeout } else { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 15); // 15 sec timeout } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // write the response to a variable curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,false); // don't require peer verification $data = curl_exec($ch); if ($data === false) { // could not connect $curl_debug .= '\n"; $fullMessagesMode = false; // turn off $fullMessagesMode to shorten timeouts } curl_close($ch); $time_stop = microtime_float(); $total_time = 0.0; $total_time += ($time_stop - $time_start); $time_fetch = sprintf("%01.3f", round($time_stop - $time_start, 3)); $curl_debug .= "\n"; //echo $data; return $data; } // end function curl_fetch_file // ------------------------------------------------------------------ function microtime_float() { // set a timer list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float) $usec + (float) $sec); } // end function microtime_float // ------------------------------------------------------------------ function graceful_error() { // mchallis added graceful error function so your site stays with valid HTML after soft errors global $RSS_URL; $returnstring = "

Advisory Information Unavailable, error fetching or reading data from the NOAA advisories server.

\n"; return $returnstring; } // end function graceful_error // ------------------------------------------------------------------ ?>